Fall leaves with rake

Super Simple Fall Lawn Care Tips That Get Results

Summer may be drawing to a close, but don’t make the fatal error of thinking this means you can stop tending to your lawn!  Too often, homeowners focus on their lawns only during spring and summer, but the truth is that a lawn that is neglected in the fall won’t bounce back in the spring as you expect it to.   …

Why Does Grass Turn Brown?

A well-groomed lawn is something to be proud of – it can be a source of envy for your neighbours, who wish their grass was as green as yours. But what do you do when your lawn starts turning brown? Despite your frequent fertilizations and diligent watering, parts of your grass may stubbornly refuse to turn green. Here are a …

3 Benefits of Fall Yard Clean-Up

Right before winter, plants begin to shut down on their food production. Because there isn’t much sun in winter, they shed their leaves to cut down on the energy needed to keep them alive.  During fall, your yard will be littered with branches and yellow leaves from deciduous plants. Foregoing fall yard clean-up with the thought that snow will soon …