A healthy Lawn - they’re for more than just aesthetics. Keeping a thick, healthy lawn additionally benefits our environment. Unlike hard surfaces like asphalt, concrete, or wood, healthy lawn grass assists in cleaning the air, trapping carbon dioxide and other pollutants, reducing soil erosion from stormwater runoff, soil health, decreasing noise pollution, and reducing temperatures.
Here, the professional lawn care services of Cleanr Mow can offer more information on the many benefits of a healthy lawn for you and the environment around you:
As with all living plants, grass takes up CO2, as well as releases oxygen. Oxygen is critical for human life, yet trapping CO2 is also important, as too much CO2 may lead to increased air temperatures as well as additional environmental dangers. Grass not just extracts CO2 from the atmosphere, it additionally traps dust in order to keep it out of both the air and therefore, your lungs. Less dust blowing around will mean easier breathing, cleaner vehicles, cleaner windows, and cleaner houses.
If there is any part of your yard that is not covered with lush, green lawn, you have witnessed what occurs during a hard rain: mulch, gravel, and/or soil washes away and creates holes, divots, as well as ruts. Of course, all these materials—and all of the water—must go somewhere. They begin by clogging up the storm drains, possibly leading to flooded houses and streets, and eventually wind up in lakes and creeks which become polluted and cloudy. However, a healthy lawn is going to slow the runoff and allow time for the stormwater to enter back inside the groundwater system.
Compacted soil (soil that does not have good structure) does not permit water to sink into it, meaning that groundwater resources do not get replenished as it rains—and this may be an issue in places that rely upon precipitation for drinking water. One other benefit of grass is that it’ll keep the soil structure open and loose with an abundance of pores for water to soak down.
As you walk through the city or a crowded suburban region, you might notice how loud it is. That’s because a lot of hard surfaces equals a lot of spaces for sound to bounce off of. One main benefit of grass is that a thick lawn acts like an insulation panel or blanket, absorbing sounds from trucks, cars, and people, and animals.
Urban regions that have a lot of concrete and buildings are usually substantially warmer than surrounding spaces with a lot more trees and grass. Furthermore, it’ll take more energy to cool a structure that is surrounded by concrete than it will one that is surrounded by grass. Not only will a lush, green lawn assist in keeping your lawn cooler, but you might also pay less for your air conditioning bill as well.
Contact landscape professionals Cleanr Property Maintenance for all your Winnipeg lawn care needs!