Tackling Winnipeg’s level of snowfalls in this windy, icy-cold winter climate can appear to be a daunting, gigantic task. And the equipment and supplies to do the job are expensive and require high maintenance. Snow plows, skid steers, front-end loaders, snow blowers, de-icers and salt spreaders – you probably don’t want to make room for all of that in your property's storage.
Cleanr Property Maintenance, the snow-removal professionals, will take care of all the hassles associated with making sure your property is cleared of snow. Regardless, of when the snow falls, you can sleep easily knowing that we are out 24/7 working to make sure your parking lot gets cleared!
You also don’t want to trust just anyone onto your property. Whether it’s scammer who takes the money and runs, someone without sufficient experience who thought they could do the job but became overwhelmed by a heavy snow, or someone who does the work but causes damage and isn’t insured – you want to avoid being taken advantage of almost as much as you want to avoid having your property inaccessible due to the uncleared snow.
But you know that leaving snow and ice on your property is hazardous, inconvenient, and unattractive as well. It also opens you up to potentially expensive liability if someone else is hurt on your property due to insufficient ice and snow removal.
Your solution? Call Cleanr Property Maintenance, the trusted
Winnipeg snow-removal professionals, who know how to respond to and manage your snow removal needs. Let us do all of the hard work for you!